Our EHSC Competitive Programs are for players interested in a more focused, competitive soccer experience. Teams participate in the Nova Scotia Soccer League (NSSL) and play against teams from across the province, requiring various levels of travel (typically within the HRM). The NSSL is organized and administered by Soccer Nova Scotia, with all rules, schedules and policies dictated by SNS. Leagues are separated into Girls divisions and Boys divisions, by age, as well as various competition levels (AA/A/B/C). Registration numbers help determine which teams are offered by EHSC.
Training frequency, type, location, and duration may differ based on the level of the team (u13, u15, or u18, and AA, A, or B). Goalkeeper training sessions will be available for all Skill Centre and Competitive team keepers. Days and times to be determined once club practice schedule is established.
Evaluations may be required for Competitive Programs. Evaluation fees will show as a separate line item at checkout.
Members of our competitive teams must also purchase a kit (1 red & 1 black competitive jersey, shorts, socks, soccer ball). The kit fee will show as a separate line item ($95) at checkout.
Competitive team coaches are fully trained by EHSC Director of Soccer, Shawn George. A coach with a C level coaching license is required for AA teams.
Subject to change.
For season specific details please click here: